How You Can Make Money by Investing In Mutual Funds

Reading Time: 6 minutes


If there is one simple, easy and less complicated way of investing in the financial markets, it is through Mutual funds. It gives just everybody the opportunity to invest even without the sophisticated knowledge that the financial markets demand.

It is also one of the most effective ways one can invest with a small amount of money.  As a matter of fact, through the Cowrywise investment platform, one can buy mutual funds for as little amount as NGN100 per unit.

In developed markets mutual funds are very popular investment vehicle.  For instance,  in the United States of America,  studies show that 96 million people or 44% of household have mutual funds investment. Indeed, the American Mutual Funds Industry was estimated at US$19.2 trillion in 2016 and accounted for approximately 50% of global open-ended funds assets.

Mutual Funds in Nigeria

The pace of growth of the mutual funds industry has been rapid in the past couple of years.  In 2017 there were just 63 funds valued at NGN400 billion (approximately US$1.3 billion) offered by 50 investment  firms in Nigeria.  However, in 2020, there were 108 mutual funds with total assets under management (AUM) valued at NGN1.53 trillion.

In the past 10 years, mutual funds in Nigeria has grown by 1,927%.   And more and more retail investors are beginning to appreciate this asset class.  Though,  institutional investors like pension funds administrators, insurance companies and other organizations still dominate the market.

If you are that average guy who has little or no investment knowledge or does not have sufficient money to invest in the securities that you have always wanted, you should be interested in mutual funds.

It is the only investment scheme that gives you the opportunity to invest in a diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, treasury bills and even properties with a small amount of money and without having to bother yourself with the intellectual work that is associated with these investments. 

A professional funds manager takes the burden off you.

In this post, I aim to provide you with that knowledge to help you understand why you should start investing in mutual funds

I want you to relax, enjoy this post and thank me later.

How You Can Make Money by Investing In Mutual Funds

The funds manager will usually invest in profitable financial instruments and the income earned is distributed amongst the unit holders.  This income distribution may be done quarterly, semi-annually or annually.

Another way unit holders make money is the growth in the Net Asset Value of the funds. When you wish to exit, the net asset value shall be calculated based on current performance to determine the price.

What  Is Mutual Fund?

Mutual fund is a type of collective investment scheme under which a professional funds manager pools money from different people and institutions in exchange for units in the funds for the purposes of investing in a specified asset or classes of assets.  The funds manager is usually an investment management company licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission to provide fund management services and having the right compliment of skills and experience in managing funds.

Mutual funds typically invest in financial assets such as stocks, bonds, money market instruments like treasury bills, certificates of deposits, or a combination of these and other cash alternatives.  Every mutual fund has an investment strategy which is communicated in the prospectus. 

The investment strategy often outlines what the objectives of the fund are and what kind of instrument or asset class it will invest in.

Returns on these investments are distributed amongst the unit holders in proportion to units held after taken out cost of administering the fund or the fund managers’ fees.

Types of Mutual Funds

There are two broad categories of mutual funds.  These are open ended and closed funds.

In open ended funds, there is no limit to the number of units that can be issued.

Shares or units are created and redeemed as necessary.  The fund manager will usually issue new shares to a new investor based on the Net Asset Value and redeem it when the investor wants to sell.  Most mutual funds in the market are open-ended.

In contrast, a closed mutual fund is one in which there is a limit to the number of shares or units issued. The set number of shares is usually offered in an IPO and thereafter listed to be traded in the open market like regular shares. A typical closed ended fund being so traded is the Skye Shelter Fund.

Mutual funds further exist in different varieties depending on the investment objectives and strategies of each fund.  Thus, we can easily identify:

Equity Funds  

These funds invest primarily in the stocks of quoted and unquoted companies.  Equity fund managers adopt different strategies based on the objectives of the fund.  Some may focus on growth while others may focus on dividend.  Investing in equity funds afford you the opportunity of owning part of the shares of top companies that you ordinarily would not have been able to buy were you to invest directly. As is usual with investing in stocks, price fluctuations may affect the NAV of an equity funds.

Money Market Funds 

Money market funds invest in short dated money market instruments such as treasury bills, certificate of deposits, banker’s acceptances and commercial papers. Generally, money market funds are safer than equiy funds. The returns are also lower.

Fixed Income Funds  

These funds invest in debt securities such as FGN Bonds and investment grade corporate bonds.  Like money market funds, fixed income funds may offer lower returns on investment but are very safe.

Balanced Funds

These funds invest in a combination of equities, money market and fixed income securities. They offer an aggressive growth in investment, balanced with the safety associated with money market funds.

Returns on Fixed Income investment is regular and predictable.

It also relatively safe.

Balanced Mutual Funds managers usually will develop fund allocation formula to achieve the objective of the fund.  This type of mutual fund give higher returns than money market and fixed income funds. But a lower return and less volatility than equity funds.

Ethical Funds

These funds are structured to appeal to investors who are concerned about where their monies are invested due to their personal and particularly, religious beliefs.  Ethical funds may not, for example, invest in the shares of companies involved in the production of tobacco, alcohol, and weapons or involved in gambling as these could be repugnant to some religious beliefs.

Real Estates Funds  

These funds invests in real estates and properties

Exchange Traded Funds 

These funds are structured to track the performance of major indexes such as the NSE All Share Index and other sectoral indexes in the market.

Benefits of Investing in Mutual Funds

Some of the benefits you derive from investing in mutual funds are that you have access to the services of professional management firm. 

Another advantage is that you share the risk of investment with thousands of other people.  As a result, the magnitude of loss could be minimal should the market adversely affect the fund. 

Again, you benefit from a widely diversified portfolio that ordinarily would have been very difficult for you if you were to invest directly. 

How to Invest In Mutual Funds in Nigeria

To invest in mutual fund is easy and requires no complicated processes.

Mutual funds also provide liquidity to the investor.  Liquidity refers to the ease with each you can convert your investment to cash by selling it.

The flipside is that you may also lose money if the market moves against the portfolio manager. Every investment has its risks.

Also Read: Your Best Investment Options In Nigeria

How You Can Invest

It is as simple as calling your preferred fund manager and have the forms mailed to you.  You provide the relevant details and return the forms with your cheque. 

Your investment will start running in few hours.

You can also visit the website of the Fund Manager and follow the process of investing in your preferred funds.

Things to Consider

In selecting a mutual fund to invest, you will have to consider the following:

  1. Type of fund – you have to decide whether to buy money market funds, income fund, equity or balanced, etc. Your investment objectives will guide your decisions. Grow Income, Safety, or regular earnings.
  2. Next is to check the historic performance of the funds available and narrow down your choices
  3. Consider the price
  4. Consider the minimum investment you have to make. Some funds require you make as little as NGN5,000 minimum investment while others may require as much as NGN100,000.  It will really depend on how much is available to you for investment and what you wish to achieve
  5. Who is the fund manager i,e the investment company? What is their pedigree in the market, how has their funds performed vis-à-vis other funds, what’s their reputation like?
  6. What are the charges?
  7. Finally, consider funds that fall within your risk acceptance criteria.

A Business Day Research and Intelligent Unit (BIU) report identifies the following  as the top 10 funds managers in Nigeria as at 2017.

FBN Capital, Axa Mansard, Vetiva Capital, ARM and Lotus Capital.  Others include, FCAM, Stanbic Ibtc, United Capital, Meristem and Investment One.

For a list of approved investment companies with mutual funds in the market, see here.

Stanbic IBTC is reputed to have some of the performing funds.  It has about 12 funds in the market cutting across fund classes.

Most of its funds are also very popular as they deliver superior returns to unit holders consistently.  You can check out their website for detailed information about their funds.

Very Importantly

Mutual funds investment is not a get rich quick type investment.  It is, however, a sure way you can create an enduring wealth.

2 Comments on “How You Can Make Money by Investing In Mutual Funds”

    1. If you keep reading relevant materials – articles, blog posts like this and books on investing, as well attend seminars, you will soon gain the knowledge you need to succeed.

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